Franklin University Switzerland’s Green Office Convenes Inaugural Earth Day Summit
Having established the Green Office Sustainability Programs last year to develop and implement sustainability initiatives, Franklin University Switzerland hosted an Earth Day Summit this past weekend bringing together academic, community and business leaders from Ticino and beyond.
The weekend event was held in person on Earth Day, April 22, 2023, at the Kaletsch Campus of Franklin University Switzerland, in Sorengo, Switzerland. Over 30 speakers from each of the three universities in Ticino, as well as speakers from the WWF Switzerland, the Swiss National Supercomputing Center, Aldesso, the Blue Arbor Foundation, La Serra Restaurant, RSI, Lugano Region, Lugano Sostenibile, Quantis, Code Verde, The North Face and more came to share sustainability expertise, insights and their experiences.
In addition, sustainable food topics were explored with speakers from the Swiss start-up Vege’tables at meals hosted by local restaurant and coffee companies La Serra, Pesperuncino and Masaba Coffee.
During the Summit, Franklin also launched its participation in the #LUGANOSOSTENIBILE initiative, a year-long event promoted by the City of Lugano, with the coordinator of the initiative Tatjana Ibraimovic presenting to the audience. As the campus hub for sustainability at Franklin, the Green Office Sustainability Programs plans to continue pioneering sustainability initiatives with partners both on its campus and in the wider community.