
"Our shops need the local support"

The opinion of ACSI cantonal secretary Laura Regazzoni on the shopping ban in Italy: "It's a sort of strange protectionism, I understand the arguments on the subject".
© CdT / Chiara Zocchetti
Giona Carcano
Dina Aletras
04.06.2020 15:14

Italy has reopened its borders. As of yesterday morning, Ticino residents can cross the border for any kind of activity. They can go to the hairdresser, the beautician, the restaurant, the beach or maybe take a trip to Milan or Como. But they can't go shopping. This is the only - and in some ways incomprehensible - restriction still in force. Anyone stopped crossing the border with goods purchased the same day faces a fine 100 francs. In accordance with the COVID-2 ordinance, still in force. A deterrent initially seen to avoid hindrance to customs inspections. But now, in this important phase of reopening, it's causing argument on both sides of the border. We therefore asked the Consumers' Association of Southern Switzerland (ACSI) for an opinion. "Let's say that the ban is a sort of strange protectionism", said Laura Regazzoni, cantonal secretary. "I understand the arguments on this issue, it's understandable. And yet, right now, small businesses, our shops, need local support more than ever before. It's a very delicate phase. I would add that shopping locally also has its advantages from an environmental point of view".